BOAS 2025
Annual Scientific Meeting
Thursday 4th and Friday 5th September 2025
The Royal Society of Medicine

Submit an Abstract​
We welcome abstract submissions from all healthcare professionals including Doctors, Nurses and all Allied Healthcare Professionals. ​
The best abstracts, as chosen by the BOAS committee, will be selected for an oral presentation which will take place on Day 1 (Thursday 4th September). The remaining may be eligible for a poster presentation. We offer the following cash prizes for each category, but are strictly available to non-consultant grades only.
Best Oral Presentation: £400
Best Poster Presentation: £250
All shortlisted entrants are required to register and pay to attend the conference on Thursday 4th September.
Please comply with the guidelines below. Failure to do so may result in automatic rejection of the abstract.
Any questions or queries regarding the submission of abstracts and the subsequent development of presentations/posters can be directed to Dr Santhana Kannan: