BOAS 2025
Annual Scientific Meeting
Thursday 4th and Friday 5th September 2025
The Royal Society of Medicine

B O A S 2 0 2 5
Annual Scientific Meeting​​
Awaiting CPD approval from RCoA

Dr Andrew Presland
BOAS President
We are excited to announce the upcoming 23rd BOAS Annual Scientific Meeting, which will be held at the prestigious Royal Society of Medicine in London on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th September 2025. This event offers an exceptional opportunity for professionals interested in ophthalmic anaesthesia to meet, exchange ideas, and expand their knowledge.
The conference will feature a varied programme with renowned speakers, poster-presentations and hands-on sessions. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from leading experts in the field, gaining valuable insights into the latest clinical practices and advancements in ophthalmic anaesthesia. Whether you're looking to refine your skills, keep up with the latest developments, or simply network with others, this event is the ideal setting for professional growth.
Mark your calendars and join us at the Royal Society of Medicine for an enriching and enjoyable experience!
Please check back regularly for details about:
The Programme, Submission of Abstracts for Posters/Presentations, Travel & Accommodation and our exciting Social Event!
This event is open to all anaesthetists, ophthalmic surgeons, nurses and operating department practitioners who have an interest in Ophthalmic Anaesthesia.
Thank you to our Premium Sponsors: